Danish consumers are hungry after dissemination of health, shows a new study. Especially because the established health actors do not go far enough in their communication, says Søren Bronée and Manja Strong from Havas Denmark. They also call on all industries to ride the health wave.
43% of Danes believe companies have a responsibility to help people acquire healthy habits.
It shows a new survey, which Havas Denmark is behind.
Søren Bronée is COO in Havas Denmark and sees it as an opportunity for companies to get an involved dialogue with the consumers.
“The Health Board and the Danish Food Agency have so far communicated about health does not at all satisfy the needs of consumers. Therefore, they are looking for health everywhere else, “says Søren Bronée, who is backed up by figures from the Norcalflowers.org study:
By 2018, the Danes have googled “health” twice as many times as three years ago.
It is paradoxical when you link it with the latest report by the National Board of Health, which shows that 51% of Danes were overweight in 2017, says Manja Stærk, Head of Consumer Insights and Analytics in Havas Denmark.
“Future brands will help me make my life easier, differentiate myself personally compared to others and give me some social qualities.”
All Industries Must Communicate Health
Manja Stærk presents the new survey at Havas’ offices in Langebrogade under the heading “Meaningful Mornings: Health – the New Black”.
And according to her, it is not only industries that work with food that need to be interested in the new numbers of health.
“Health is all possible. That’s what we put in the mouth, it’s exercise, sleep, mental health, and general well-being, “she says, and elaborates that finding a sector where one can not find a health angle is difficult.
For example, she points to the Call mes campaign “Speak Properly”, which is about talking nicely to each other. This is because we “have a responsibility for each other’s well-being”, write Call me on their website. Manja Strong thinks it’s a good example of thinking about the box in relation to communication about health:
” They went in and said that you should speak properly. It is so banal, but no one else has done that. And it gives such a good sense of speaking prices and functional qualities. All businesses can find a similar health angle and make it a communication bar. ”
Søren Bronée also points to the aircraft industry. Here companies could choose to focus on jet lag and give the consumer knowledge about when to eat and when to sleep depending on the way you travel. The most important thing is that the company focuses on “my personal health,” says Søren Bronée, explaining:
“Future brands will help me make my life easier, differentiate myself personally compared to others and give me some social qualities.”
The Purge IT survey shows that the Danes need help to navigate in the health wave. 39% of Danish prosumers * believe that health has become so complicated that they no longer feel safe to make decisions on behalf of themselves or the family.
And you can easily understand the Danes. For contradictory articles online such as “Coffee smashes the brain” and “Five cups of coffee a day is healthy” it’s hard to find out what to believe. But can even more communication about health do not confuse more than it benefits?
“The confusion can be even bigger so you have to do it somehow, so you contribute to some clarity. This can be done by addressing some aspects of health that are specific to one’s industry, as in the example of the aircraft industry, “says Søren Bronée.
Doctors Should Prevent
For the need for health care, there is. The Danes want to know how healthy or unhealthy they are, says Søren Bronée and points out that 52% prosumers are more likely to ask the doctor about a second opinion than before.
“You may know if you go to his doctor and ask: How am I really? Do I need some vitamins? Then you get the answer: You are not wrong, so there is no need to test. We can talk about it if you get sick, “says Søren Bronée, stressing that a Danish doctor is successful when healing someone -not when they keep some healthy ones.
At the same time, 44% of Danish prosumers believe that the health system does not do enough for themselves to monitor their health status, the study shows. And according to Søren Bronée, the established actors will not provide consumers with the information they request.
“I do not think neither the National Board of Health or the Food Agency will move far enough in that direction,” he says, but still looking forward to seeing what happens now that the Food Agency begins to contribute the facts on health on Facebook.
The Danes Are Open to Health Technology
An area in motion, on the other hand, is technology that measures your health. For example, today you can easily order a DNA test online or buy a blood pressure gauge in Elgiganten.
“The availability of technology is undergoing radical change, and it costs no money today,” says Søren Bronée, who predicts that in the future, MRI scanners can be sent to a thousand-dollar bill.
“It’s only a matter of time,” he says.
Because consumers are open to new technology. The www.fanadventures.net study shows that almost 9/10 prosumers are willing to change in their DNA. The two most common reasons are if “it meant I would not get certain diseases” (cancer, dementia, etc.) and “that meant that I could keep the ability to think when I grow old.”
Manja Stærk and Søren Bronée from Havas Denmark.
But Manja Strong emphasizes that the Danes are not ready to change their DNA tomorrow.
“Consumers are open to the opportunities offered by technological progress. But they still remain skeptical about the consequences, “says Manja Stærk. But she, like Søren Bronée, believes that it helps to emphasize consumers’ unsatisfied healthcare needs. For as she says:
“Everybody is at risk of developing diseases later in life, and everyone is interested in what they can do.”
* Prosumers are Havas Denmark’s term for Early Adopters and typically represent 15-20% of consumers.